Daily Archives: June 5, 2014

Skyping Authors

Recently in my class we have been talking about books and authors. We will be skyping two authors in New Zealand. One of them is Linda Dawley and the other is Lee Murray. In class we have been reading Linda Dawley’s book called The Tooth Fairy’s Mistake.

Tooth fairy e-cover

Did you know that Lee Murray love’s to run marathons? Well she does. Lee Murray is a great author. She gets inspired by every thing. She has wrote all kinds of books. These are two books she wrote, The Battle of the birds and Misplaced. You should read one of these authors books and maybe it will inspire you to write. If you do write a book please share it to me in a comment. I also have a challenge for you if you could set a goal of how many books your going to read during summer and then you read and reach that goal that would be awesome! If you do my challenge tell me your goal of how many books your going to read in a comment. I will do the same thing!

Going To Portland

My class and I went on a field trip to Portland. My school is right out side of Portland. We went there to learn more about the city of Portland. The field trip was called The Portland Walking Tour. Our class got into five groups, I was in group one with all my friends; Lily, Kaia, Anika, Lilah and Ally. The reason to get in to five groups is that we were doing an iMovie. On the bus I got to sit with my mom because she went with our class on the field trip. When we got there my group first walked around all the statues. My favorite part was seeing all the beautiful flowers. Did you know that Portland is the city of roses? Have you gone to Portland before? If you have’t you should go it is very beautiful.
